I found out today that I’m a nominee for the Friends of Lulu Awards. The award category I’m up for is the Kim Yale Award for Most Talented Newcomer. This is a very exciting opportunity and thank you to anyone who nominated me for this honor. I am thankful to be recognized for my comic efforts.

The Lulu Awards showcase the people and projects that helped to open eyes and minds to the amazing comic and cartooning work by and/or about women.

Friends of Lulu is a non-profit, national charitable organization in the United States, founded in 1994 to promote readership of comic books by women and the participation of women in the comic book industry.

I looked up Kim Yale on the internet and found out this information about her: Kim Yale was an American writer and editor of comic books for multiple comic book companies, including Marvel Comics, DC Comics, First Comics and Warp Graphics. She was heavily involved with the Friends of Lulu, working as a member of the board, an organization promoting women in comics. The award for the Best New Female Comics Creator has been named in her honor. Yale died of breast cancer in 1997, aged 43. (via Wikipedia)

On a related note, the image above is a Curls sketch card I did for the Comics for Cures Sketch Card Benefit Auction for The American Cancer Society in 2009.

Vote for your favorite contenders here – http://occasionalsuperheroine.blogspot.com/2010/09/friends-of-lulu-voting-starts-today.html

Voting is open to the public. One vote per person, per email address. Votes are due September 27th. The Lulu Awards will be held October 29th at Long Beach Comic Con.

Please feel free to repost and promote the voting information on your blog, tweet about it on Twitter or tell your friends on Facebook. Curls needs your vote! Thanks in advance.
