This comic is word-for-word based off a conversation I had with my pal, Huzzard, while we were traveling to see ROH this past Saturday (see last comic for details). My hope is that no one is offended by this comic — that wasn’t my intention and I went back-and-forth in my head as to create it or not — the orange punchline is what I really wanted to pull thru — and I enjoy how quick I was with that comment in real-life. I’m hugely not a fan of the “N” word and I don’t listen to a lot of hip-hop because of the language. I understand it’s part of the culture and hear young high schoolers use the word all the time in the parking lot across from their school.

Item of the moment: Check out this clip from Chapelle about the Racial Draft. I think it’s great and I think the Orange delegation should claim Hulk Hogan.







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